Here’s the March 24th Segment of Radio for Grown Ups on KLWN with Joel Becker. We discuss pressing mental health issues related to COVID-19 and how to access services, along with some ancillary topics.
Category: KLWN Morning Show

Setting Media Limits with Kids
One of the biggest battles for today’s parent is balancing our children’s technology use. As a parent and a therapist, I deal with this in my home and at the office. Although internet/technology addiction has not yet found its way into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, professionals in the mental health field are witnessing the negative…

Let's Leave the Politics Behind in Understanding the Seriousness of #MeToo
I don’t care who you believe in the whole Kavenaugh and Blasey Ford situation. You’re entitled to your interpretation of the facts and your opinion of the various parties and the motives, and I’m entitled to mine. I’ve done forensic psychology long enough to have seen every side of cases like this. In the vast…

Teacher Salary and the Duty Day: Is It Really For the Kids?
As long as I’ve been married to a teacher (on our wedding day, Reagan was just starting his second term) I’ve heard about the duty day, and to be honest, I’ve never quite understood it. I mean I understand that teachers have a contract with their employer (the school district) and it says that they…

New DBT Practice in Lawrence: An Update on KLWN
Here’s the latest I can discuss on DBT and Bert Nash. I think it is a hopeful situation. You can skip ahead to 6:38 on this clip to learn more and skip our concrete report! I think information on the new DBT Center of Lawrence has it’s website up, but just barely. Clients who have…

Considering Informed Consent For Clients of DBT Therapists
I was on Joel Becker’s show Tuesday morning discussing the community response to seven staff leaving Bert Nash Mental Health Center. As I commented on the air, our practice is dependent on BNMHC to allow us to broaden our client base because the center gives us a place to refer clients who need services beyond…

Teaching Kids to Be Good Consumers of Media
The term “Fake News” has come to mean something completely different than it’s original intent, making it that much more difficult to help teens, pre-teens, and even young adults, sort through what’s real and what’s not. In this segment of the KLWN morning show, I join John Flood and Joel Becker to discuss ways to…

Get Out of the Divorce and Custody Trenches
Parenting can be much like the old Peace Corps slogan, “The toughest job you’ll ever love.” It can also be natural, easy and seamless, except for when it is not. Consistency serves as one of the most crucial and useful parenting tools and can be one of most elusive as well. Consistency can be difficult…