Over the last five years, I have focused part of my therapy practice on working with trans and gender non-conforming individuals. This is largely thanks to the mentorship of the late Stephanie Mott, LSCSW who was a well-respected trans advocate and spokesperson in Kansas. Having done this work for a while, I have noticed several…

Thanksgiving: It's a Great Time to Start a Daily Practice of Gratitude
For several years I’ve joined the Fox 4 Morning Show on Thanksgiving morning. We usually have a fun morning with a lot of food and everyone kind of just cutting loose in the studio, all on camera. But this year, as with all things COVID, we got together via Zoom, the reduced crew in the…

Independence Day and PTSD: Not a Good Match
Every year, in the days leading up to Independence Day, posts on Facebook and Twitter begin popping up addressing combat veterans and the impact fireworks have on those individuals. These posts serve as a gentle reminder and encouragement, asking people to be mindful of their use of fireworks in the days leading up to the 4th…

Talking with Kids about COVID-19: Up to Date with Steve Kraske:
Here’s the discussion from my March appearance on Up to Date with Steve Krakse in it’s special COVID-19 time slot. We talk about how to explain social distancing to kids of all ages, why folks with anxiety may actually be doing better right now than less anxious peers, how to create safe social interactions for…

Joel Becker and I Discuss Mental Health Issues in a COVID-19 Era
Here’s the March 24th Segment of Radio for Grown Ups on KLWN with Joel Becker. We discuss pressing mental health issues related to COVID-19 and how to access services, along with some ancillary topics.

Three DBT Skills to Help You Through the Coronavirus Pandemic
During this extraordinary time, it is hard to know how to manage. Our typical coping strategies may no longer work which can make us feel even more helpless and confused. Our access to support systems may be limited which can lead to a sense of isolation and loneliness. Learning new skills to help combat these…

ADD and Zombies: Pre-Order the eBook Today
ADD and Zombies: Fearless Medication Management for ADD and ADHD is now available for pre-order. Just go to this link and get your copy when it comes out June 15. If you want to be on the list to be notified when the paperback, hardcover, and audiobook are ready, email me at ask [@]…

Foster Care: When We Served Those in the Greatest Need
I was recently asked by a (much) younger therapist in Lawrence if it was true that I used to transport clients to and from therapy and had a client contingency fund for homeless youth and foster kids. I said, “Not only did I, but I also took Medicaid, at least before it was KanCare.” That…

Let's Toss New Years Resolutions and Replace Them with A Willingness List
One of the key concepts in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is to give up avoiding our painful feelings and learn to embrace them, while learning to make decisions based on what we value. As I was working up a topic for the final Fox 4 Morning Show of 2019, I realized how New Years resolutions…

The Joys and Pitfalls of Nostalgia
As the holiday season approaches we are often immersed in memories and traditions of years past. This often has a varying effect on individuals ranging from “warm and fuzzy” to debilitating. So, what is the impact of nostalgia on mental health? Are there ways to enjoy the positives without the drawbacks? The idea of nostalgia…