Here’s the discussion from my March appearance on Up to Date with Steve Krakse in it’s special COVID-19 time slot. We talk about how to explain social distancing to kids of all ages, why folks with anxiety may actually be doing better right now than less anxious peers, how to create safe social interactions for…
Category: Children

The Joys and Pitfalls of Nostalgia
As the holiday season approaches we are often immersed in memories and traditions of years past. This often has a varying effect on individuals ranging from “warm and fuzzy” to debilitating. So, what is the impact of nostalgia on mental health? Are there ways to enjoy the positives without the drawbacks? The idea of nostalgia…

Moving from Sex Talk to Sex Conversation
Here’s the material from the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) I discussed on the air (listen to attached clip), with the annotations taken from our slowly forthcoming book Consent-Based Sex Education to be released in 2020 (finally!) Key Concept I: Human Development Goals: Help children[1] to appreciate their bodies. Provide information about…

Setting Media Limits with Kids
One of the biggest battles for today’s parent is balancing our children’s technology use. As a parent and a therapist, I deal with this in my home and at the office. Although internet/technology addiction has not yet found its way into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, professionals in the mental health field are witnessing the negative…

ADHD: To Medicate or Not to Medicate, That Is the Question
Note: Portions of this article were contributed by Kelsey Daugherty, DPN, Family Psychological Services nurse practitioner. “He just can’t sit still” “He has a lot of energy” “It’s like she doesn’t hear a thing I say.” Do these sound familiar? Have you had conversations with your child’s teachers about academic and learning behaviors? Discerning typical…

How to Find a Good Therapist, Especially for ADHD
Dear Dr. Wes: What tips do you have for finding a good therapist, particularly for a child with ADHD? Thanks, Simon This is an issue of great interest to many readers, Simon. So, I’m going to answer it more generally and then add in a few specifics about ADHD kids and families. First, consider consulting your…

How Do I Tell My Son He Has ADHD?
Dear Dr. Wes: I’m looking for advice on how to tell my son he has ADHD. Thank you kindly! E.Tot @ea_morrison You didn’t say how old your son is, but I’m going to presume for this response that he’s younger. If he’s middle school or above, I’d treat him as a young adult and just…

When Summer Social Life Collapses for Teens
Our kids are excited to hit the doors on the last day of school, but if there’s not structured social life waiting, some teens may fall out of contact with peers. On the other hand, some parents worry too much about a teen or older child who seems isolate. That child may just be an…

Can a School Require My Child to Take Medication?
Dear Dr. Wes: I heard you on Up to Date with Steve Kraske talking about IEPs, 504s, and student improvement plans and medication management with psychotherapy. The school told us that if my child didn’t take medication, he’d be kicked out of elementary school. Can they do that? Dear Listener: The short answer is “no.” No school…

Question or Command: Which gains your kid's attention?
Every parent feels like a broken record at some point. Having to ask your child or teen 15 times to get something accomplished is frustrating and builds resentment. Many parents find themselves managing a lot of “shoulds” i.e the kids “should” listen, they “shouldn’t” have to repeat themselves, the kids “shouldn’t” be ignoring what is…