I thought I’d post this blast from that past, from November 2013. While the Up to Date segment with Matt Rood of Lawrence High School and Casey, then a student at KU, is still great information for parents, it’s amazing how far we’ve come since then. To think that this was cutting edge stuff back…
Month: August 2018

New DBT Practice in Lawrence: An Update on KLWN
Here’s the latest I can discuss on DBT and Bert Nash. I think it is a hopeful situation. You can skip ahead to 6:38 on this clip to learn more and skip our concrete report! I think information on the new DBT Center of Lawrence has it’s website up, but just barely. Clients who have…

Game Theorist Memorializes A Friend Who Died from Suicide
My son Alex, an avid fan of the Game Theorist YouTube channel, last week sent me a remarkably compelling video Losing the Battle. It is the Game Theorist himself offering a tribute to his friend and video editor. I’ve attached it to this post and I hope you’ll watch it. If you don’t talk a…

Insta, Finsta, Snapchat, Nudes: Teens and Sexual Expression on Social Media
Nicole and I are just finishing our chapter on Sexting, Snapchat, and Finstagram for Consent-Based Sex Education, Book Two: Parenting Teens in an Internet Age. The book is going out to our focus groups, likely in October. Book One: Parenting Teens for Sexual Competence is finishing it’s focus group run and should be to reviewers…