Note: Portions of this article were contributed by Kelsey Daugherty, DPN, Family Psychological Services nurse practitioner. “He just can’t sit still” “He has a lot of energy” “It’s like she doesn’t hear a thing I say.” Do these sound familiar? Have you had conversations with your child’s teachers about academic and learning behaviors? Discerning typical…
Category: Therapy Services

What Breed is Grace The Therapy Cat?
Dear Dr. Wes: What kind of breed is Grace? I have an identical cat named Princess that is 24 years old, and very healthy. Just don’t know their breed, but they are highly intelligent as I’m sure you are aware of. Mark Dear Mark: My daughter studied this extensively (because that’s what my daughter does)…

How to Find a Good Therapist, Especially for ADHD
Dear Dr. Wes: What tips do you have for finding a good therapist, particularly for a child with ADHD? Thanks, Simon This is an issue of great interest to many readers, Simon. So, I’m going to answer it more generally and then add in a few specifics about ADHD kids and families. First, consider consulting your…

Get Out of the Divorce and Custody Trenches
Parenting can be much like the old Peace Corps slogan, “The toughest job you’ll ever love.” It can also be natural, easy and seamless, except for when it is not. Consistency serves as one of the most crucial and useful parenting tools and can be one of most elusive as well. Consistency can be difficult…

KCUR Up to Date: Teens & Anxiety
According to the National Institute of Mental Health 25% of teenagers will at one point or another be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and 6% will be considered severe. Research over the last 80 years suggests either an increase in anxiety among teens or better recognition of a condition that’s existed all along. Either way, over…